2.6 Minimum Mandatory Officials Qualifications Policy »

Minimum Mandatory Officials Qualifications Policy

All competitions are to be administered under the supervision of an individual with the appropriate qualifications:

  1. Competition Managers (Chief of Competition) of division sanctioned Tier 3 events/competitions must be a Level 1 certified NC Official. This would apply to Regional Cup races, smaller loppets (less than 300 participants), club races, etc.
  2. Competition Managers (Chief of Competition) of the following division sanctioned Tier 3 events/competitions - the BC Winter Games, BC Track Attack Championships and major loppets (more than 300 participants).- must be a Level 2 certified NC Official.
  3. Competition Managers (Chief of Competition) of national/division sanctioned Tier 2 events/competitions held in BC must be a Level 2 certified NC Official. A Tier 2 event would be the BC Cup Series.
  4. Competition Managers (Chief of Competition) of national sanctioned Tier 1 events/competitions held in BC must be a Level 3 certified NC Official.  A Tier 1 event would be the National Championships, Western Canadian Championships, Canada Cup, etc.