18 BC Athletes Meet International Performance Benchmarks (IPBs) »

18 BC Athletes Meet International Performance Benchmarks (IPBs) 

This list represents Canadian athletes who met or were within one point of their distance and/or sprint IPBs in the 2017-18 ski season.

This list does not signify whether an athlete makes a specific team, but rather, it is to recognize the achievements of these athletes.  Their hard work and racing experience this year indicates that they are currently on or nearing “The Podium Pathway”; with continued dedication to training and skill development, they have demonstrated the ability to excel at future major International events.

CCC encourages divisions, clubs and athletes to refer to this list for talent ID purposes leading to provincial level sponsorships, grants and other forms of support.

For more details on how the IPB’s are calculated, please read this article.

Note; 35.3 % of the athletes listed below are from BC.


    Athlètes répondant aux Standards de Performance Internationaux (SPI) pour la saison 2017-18

    La liste suivante représente les athlètes junior B et junior A (nés de 1997 à 2001) qui rencontrent ou qui sont à moins d'un point de leurs SPI (standards de performance internationaux) en distance ou en sprint, pour la saison 2017-18.
