Officials Development
This program consists of five steps from entry level through to international level. It includes technical delegate, event management and course conductor training as well as standard training for officials.
Level 1
An eight hour course that provides an overview of what a cross country ski competition is all about. The focus is on the duties of minor officials for both ‘Olympic’ style (interval start, mass start, pursuit start, individual sprint, team sprint and relay) and ‘Loppet’ style (mass participation) competitions.
Minimum age: 16 years as of the start of the course.
8 hrs / course. The course fee for NC/CCBC members is $100.00. Non-members $200.00. Minimum 8 participants.
Level 2
A 16 hour course that prepares officials for leadership roles on a competition committee at club, provincial and most national level races, including the BC Cup Series, BC Winter Games and loppets. The course covers all official race formats, rules and regulations, rule interpretation, electronic timing, all aspects of the results system and volunteer management.
Prerequisite: Level 1 certification and three “secondary official” duties. 16 hrs / course. The course fee for NC/CCBC members is $120.00. Non-members $240. Minimum 6 participants.
Level 3
This is a 4 day course. It is designed to prepare an official to (1) effectively structure, staff and manage a competition committee at provincial through national level competitions, (2) perform any ‘major’ official role at the National Championship level, (3) perform the role of a provincial Technical Delegate at a provincial and national level races and (4) have a good understanding of NC/FIS rules. This course is delivered with a national championship event over four days.
Prerequisite: Level 2 certification and recommendation from Division.