Coach Development Workshops
The NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport module introduces new or experienced coaches to the foundational skills of coaching, such as long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. It also teaches the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP.
This one-hour NCCP module is available online through the CAC Locker at a cost of $15.
The “ICC” Workshop is the second step in the NCCP coach education program. It is designed to teach parents and other beginning coaches with basic information and a feeling of confidence as they begin their role as a coach. It teaches coaches how to deliver a series of age-appropriate skill development sessions under the guidance/supervision of more experienced coaches. The orientation is to skiers of all age groups with an emphasis on working with children under six years of age (the “Active Start” stage of athlete development). Coaches are taught basic coaching skills, how to teach the fundamentals of technique, growth and development considerations, how to create a motivating learning environment and how to set up a ski playground. Successful completion of the Coach Initiation in Sport online module, enthusiasm and a minimum age of 14 years are the prerequisites.
5 hour online module. The workshop fee for NC/CCBC members is $52.00.
The “CC” Workshop is the third step in the NCCP coach education program. It provides essential training for coaches delivering an effective skill development program to children six to nine years of age (the “FUNdamentals” stage of athlete development. This program is designed to train coaches to teach children technical skills, select games that reinforce the technical skills being taught, design and lead on-snow sessions, select and prepare equipment for young children and make learning FUN. Successful completion of the ICC online module, enthusiasm and a minimum age of 14 years are the only prerequisites.
16 hrs / workshop. The workshop fee for NC/CCBC members is $120.00. The workshop fee for non-NC/CCBC members is $500.00
The CCI program develops skills and provides tools that a coach can use to (1) create a fun, team oriented environment that will motivate children to achieve their personal goals in sport and develop a lifelong interest in the fitness and health benefits of cross country skiing, and (2) deliver a well-rounded sport program with an emphasis on skill development to children nine to 12 years of age (the Learning to Train (L2T) stage of athlete development).
The NCCP L2T (Dryland) Workshop is the fourth step in the NCCP progression. Coaches are taught about developmental age, physical literacy, team building, athletic components (aerobic fitness, speed, etc.), nutrition, how to design their own sport program, adventure-based activities (year-round), roller-skiing and planning a practice.
Prerequisites: Successful completion if the Community Coaching Workshop and a minimum age of 16 years on the first day of the L2T (Dryland) workshop. 18.25 hrs / workshop. The workshop fee for NC/CCBC members is $120.00. The workshop fee for non-NC/CCBC members is $600.00.
The NCCP L2T (On-Snow) Workshop is the second half of the CCI program and the fifth step in the NCCP progression. This workshop is designed to train coaches on team management, supporting athletes at a competition, teaching and learning, equipment selection, ski preparation and how to teach ski technique effectively.
Prerequisite: L2T (Dryland) Workshop. 16.5 hrs / workshop. The workshop fee for NC/CCBC members is $120.00. The workshop fee for non-NC/CCBC members is $600.00.
The CCI Advanced program provides tools and develops skills that a coach can use to (1) teach athletes how to build an aerobic base, speed and strength and further develop and consolidate sport specific skills as appropriate for their developmental age, and (2) design and deliver an annual sport program that takes into consideration optimal trainability and the maturity/readiness (physical, mental, cognitive and emotional maturity) of individual athletes 12 to 16 years of age (the “Training to Train“ (T2T) stage of athlete development).
The NCCP T2T (Dryland) Workshop is the sixth step in the NCCP progression. Coaches are taught about growth and maturation, energy systems, training intensities, monitoring and recovery, strength, speed, flexibility, exercise performance and health, roller-skiing and other dryland ski simulation techniques, exercise performance and health, etc.
Prerequisite: L2T Trained status (Both L2T workshops and completed L2T Practical Experience Form). 17.5 hrs / workshop. The workshop fee for NC/CCBC members is $120.00. The workshop fee for non-NC/CCBC members is $750.00
The NCCP T2T (On-Snow) Workshop is the second half of the CCI Advanced program and the seventh step in the NCCP progression. It is designed to train coaches to develop an effective competition plan for a team, prepare for a competition, support athletes at a competition, teach basic mental skills, refine all ski techniques, test and prepare skis, and make ethical decisions.
Prerequisite: T2T (Dryland) Workshop. 17.5 hrs / workshop. The workshop fee for NC/CCBC members is $120.00. Trail tickets are the responsibilty of the participant and purchased separately. The workshop fee for non-NC/CCBC members is $750.00