Membership / Insurance Program »

CCBC Membership/Insurance Program:

Nordiq Canada maintains liability insurance for all levels of the Association - national (the national sport organization), division (the provincial/territorial sport organizations) and clubs. The coverage in force is a Third Party Sports Liability Policy which includes Directors and Officers Errors and Omissions. Cross Country BC is the 'British Columbia' Division.  

For more information about liability insurance coverage and club registration procedures refer to Cross Country BC's Membership/Insurance Guide and the Nordiq Canada Insurance Manual/Protocols.

CCBC Membership/Liability Insurance Guide

Nordiq Canada Liability Insurance Manual, Forms and Protocols

FAQ's Liability Insurance

Competition Sanctioning (Tier 1, 2 and 3 events)

Certificate of Insurance (COI) Summary:

  1. Please update/maintain your Additionally Insured List in Zone4.  Please include full address with postal code.
  2. If a certificate is required please submit a "Request For Certificate of Insurance" form to
  3. The only time a certificate is required is if it is specifically requested from the 3rd party.
  4. If a “certificate” is NOT required and all they require is “proof” CCBC can provide a Proof of Insurance letter and/or a Sanction Certificate.