2023 CCBC B-Tour
Location: Sweden
Dates of trip: Sun Mar 19 – Sun, Apr 2, 2023
Dates of National Junior Cup (Sweden): Mar 24-26, 2023
Number of athletes to be selected: up to 9
Selection Criteria:
1. Eligible athletes must be current members of Cross Country BC in good standing with the Association.
2. Eligible athletes must be born in 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006.
3. Eligible athletes must be current members of the 2022-23 BC Ski Team or BC Development Squad.
4. Eligible athletes must have met the terms of their 2022-23 CCBC Athlete Agreement.
5. Eligible athletes must have a minimum of 78.00 CPL points (distance or sprint) on the ‘Ad Hoc Cdn Only 21-22 Season’ lists (Apr 26, 2022). If more than nine athletes apply, the highest ranked athletes on the CPL distance list, men or women, will have preference.
6. Selected athletes must travel with and attend the CCBC B-Tour as part of the BC Ski Team.