2024 CCBC B-Tour Selection Criteria
Country: U.S.A.
Trip Dates: March 28 - April 6, 2024
Events: Spring Series
Jackson Hole, Wyoming (March 30, 31 and April 1)
Sun Valley, Idaho (April 4, 5, 6)
Team Size: 12
Selection Criteria:
1. The maximum team size is 12 athletes - two athletes per gender per age category (U18, U20 and U23).
2. Athletes eligible for the tour must be born between 2002 and 2007.
3. Athletes eligible for the tour must be current members of Cross Country BC in good standing with the Association.
4. Athletes who qualify to represent Canada at the 2024 World Junior or World U23 Championships are not eligible.
5. The following Trial races will be used for selections:
Nordiq Canada Selection Trials - Mt Ste Anne, QC, Jan. 4-7, 2024
Western Canadian Championship - Canmore, AB, Jan. 12-14, 2024
6. Two (2) ranking lists will be created for the U18, U20 and U23 categories for each gender, one sprint and one distance. The ranking lists will use the finishing place results of BC athletes from the following races as outlined below, and the World Cup Scoring System (see appendix B - https://nordiqcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023-24-Competition-Trip-Criteria-1-1.pdf). For the U18 age category, only an athlete’s single best ranking will be used for selections.
U18 Sprint Ranking List
a. Sprint Finals Trials FT (U20 category)
b. Sprint Finals Westerns FT (U18 category)
U18 Distance Ranking List
a. Interval Start Trials CT 10k (U20 category)
b. Mass Start Westerns FT 5k (U18 category)
U20 Sprint Ranking List
a. Sprint Finals, Trials, FT (U20 category)
b. Sprint Finals, Westerns, FT (U20 category)
U20 Distance Ranking List
a. Interval Start, Trials, CT 10k (U20 category)
b. Mass Start, Westerns, FT 5k (U20 category)
U23 Sprint Ranking List
a. Sprint Finals, Trials, FT (U23 category)
b. Sprint Qualifier, Trials, FT (U23 category)
U23 Distance Ranking List
a. Interval Start, Trials, CT 10k (U23 category)
b. Mass Start, Trials, FT 20k (U23 category)
STEP 1: Select top ranked athlete from each ranking list in the U20 and U23 age categories in each gender.
STEP 2: Additional athletes will be selected up to the maximum team size by going to the next ranked athlete on the ranking lists. The next athlete is the one with the most points. If there is a tie, athletes will be ranked by the number of 1, 2, 3 place finishes. For example, an athlete with two first-place and two second-place finishes will rank higher than one with two first-place, one second and one third. e.g., U20 female 2nd place sprinter has 220 points, U20 female 2nd distance has 218 points – the U20 sprint athlete will be chosen. e.g., U20 female 2nd place sprinter and 2nd place distance skier both have 250 points. The Sprint athlete has a 2,2 the distance athlete has a 1,2 – the U20 distance athlete will be chosen.