BC Highlights from the 2025 National Championships - Day 3
Canmore, AB
March 19: Interval Start; Classic Technique
5 of the top 7 finishers in U20 Women were from BC
1st U20 Women Louison Dubief (Fernie Nordic Ski Club)
1st Sr Women Amelia Wells (Strathcona Nordic Ski Club)
1st U20 Men Raleigh Tarte (Kimberley Nordic Club)
2nd U20 Women Carly Ram (Strathcona Nordic Ski Club)
5th U20 Women Breagh Bridge (Telemark Nordic Club)
6th U20 Women Annika Wallin (Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club)
6th Sr Women Marlie Molinaro (Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club)
7th U20 Women Ruby Serrouya (Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club)
9th U20 Men Xavier Wallace (Overlander Ski Club)
9th Sr Men Julien Locke (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
For complete results click on: https://zone4.ca/event/2025/pl6NzJ/
To view the points calculations for the various aggregates, visit https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMWU0YzgyNWMtMmEwMy00N2Q3LWIxOGMtMjE2YmYyNTk2NzA4IiwidCI6ImQ2MTBiYWFhLWI1Y2MtNDgyMS04ODIzLTVjY2RmMWRjYjgzOSIsImMiOjN9
March 18: Individual Sprint; Classic Technique
4 of the top 5 finishers in U16 Girls were from BC
1st U16 Girls Ella Fuller (Fernie Nordic Ski Club)
1st U16 Boys Luc Austin (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
1st U18 Girls Aleah Smith (Nelson Nordic Ski Club)
2nd U16 Girls Eula Palmer-Bird (Sovereign Lake Nordic Club)
3rd U18 Girls Madeleine Wilkie (Larch Hills Nordic Society)
3rd U18 Boys Axel Hostyn (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
4th U16 Girls Amelia Moore (Strathcona Nordic Ski Club)
5th U16 Boys Lex Hostyn (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
5th U16 Girls Emilie Kvick (Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club)
9th U16 Boys Dawson Abraham (Nelson Nordic Ski Club)
9th U18 Boys Andreas Inkster (Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club)
10th U16 Girls Avafei Clark (Kimberley Nordic Ski Club)
Para Nordic Results
1st Men Sit Leo Sammarelli (Nordic Racers)
2nd Men Stand Logan Cox (Caledonia Nordic Ski Club)
3rd Men Sit Kaden Baum (Larch Hills Nordic Society)
For complete results click on: https://zone4.ca/event/2025/pl6NzJ/
March 17: Interval Start; Free Technique
6 of the top 7 finishers in U16 Boys were from BC
5 of the top 8 finishers in U16 Girls were from BC
1st U16 Girls Ella Fuller (Fernie Nordic Ski Club)
1st U16 Boys Alex Heale (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
2nd U18 Girls Nadia Wallin (Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club)
2nd U16 Girls Eula Palmer-Bird (Sovereign Lake Nordic Club)
3rd U16 Boys Luc Austin (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
4th U16 Girls Amelia Moore (Strathcona Nordic Ski Club)
4th U16 Boys Lex Hostyn (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
4th U18 Girls Madeleine Wilkie (Larch Hills Nordic Society)
4th U18 Boys Tanner McConkey (Caledonia Nordic Ski Club)
5th U16 Girls Ember Smith (Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club)
5th U16 Boys Hamish Woodman (Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club)
6th U18 Girls Kiara Pighin (Telemark Nordic Club)
6th U18 Boys Axel Hostyn (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
6th U18 Boys Dawson Abraham (Nelson Nordic Ski Club)
7th U16 Boys Anton Malin (Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club)
7th U18 Boys Sonny Maclean (Bulkley Valley Cross Country Ski Club)
8th U16 Girls Annika Heale (Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club)
9th U18 Boys Mika Aaserud (Telemark Nordic Club)
Para Nordic Results
1st Men Sit Leo Sammarelli (Nordic Racers)
1st Men Stand Logan Cox (Caledonia Nordic Ski Club)
3rd Men Sit Kaden Baum (Larch Hills Nordic Society)
For complete results click on: https://zone4.ca/event/2025/pl6NzJ/