Robin Dawes
Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club
Grand Opening of the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club Lodge, Bull Mountain. Xatśūll First Nation Territory
Williams Lake BC, T’exelcemc (Williams Lake First Nation) Territory
The Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club is proud to announce the Grand Opening of its new Nordic Ski Lodge and facility upgrades just North of Williams Lake at Bull Mountain. This lodge has been a long sought-after dream for the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club which will serve surrounding communities and grow cross-country skiing throughout our region. Our new lodge complements our extensive trail network, high-quality programming and supports the growing demand and interest in Nordic skiing in the Cariboo. We are so grateful for the encouragement and unbelievable support that we have received locally, regionally, provincially, and federally.
The WLCCSC would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to the Province of British Columbia, in collaboration with Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism, for their invaluable financial support. Additionally, we acknowledge the financial contribution from Northern Development Initiative Trust, Pacific Economic Development Canada, and the Cariboo Regional District. We have received generous contributions from local businesses, including West Fraser, Tolko, United Concrete, and the unwavering dedication of volunteers who have played an integral role in making this project a reality.
“Congratulations to the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club (WLCCSC) on their grand opening! We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia to assist in the development of tourism assets that support the regional visitor economy and improved quality of life for our rural residents. As part of stimulating the economy, and realizing local jobs, CCCT looks forward to collaborating with the WLCCSC to host sports tourism, leisure, and business events across multiple seasons that sustainably improve our local and regional visitor economy.” Amy Thacker, CEO, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism (CCCT)
“It is with great anticipation and pleasure that we come to a point of readiness to present our new Lodge and facility upgrades to the public. We look forward to standing together with our neighbours both North and South in the development of a vibrant destination tourism corridor which, to the mutual economic and social benefit of all, will provide an additional link in a corridor catering to the growing interest in accessible cross country ski touring experience.” Robin Dawes, Chair of the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club.
“The Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club’s new facility is a welcome addition to the region and an excellent way to encourage and promote healthy living and sports tourism.” Joel McKay, CEO at Northern Development Initiative Trust.
With the creation of the new Lodge, we will join a corridor of high-quality Nordic ski touring opportunities. We are specifically focusing on:
- Serving our community with a comfortable, safe, and inclusive environment
- Promoting active living, innovative programming, and affordable, environmentally responsible winter sports.
- Participating with our neighbouring communities to increase opportunities for recreational and competitive events in the growing sport of cross-country skiing.
- Enhancing the destination tourism economic potential across multiple seasons both locally and regionally.
To date our accomplishments have already moved us toward these goals having earned us the honour to host the BC Winter Games Regional Trials to be held at Bull Mountain Dec 30, 2023. In preparation we have completed the training of 10 level 1 officials in October and will be hosting level 2 training scheduled for early November. The vision is unfolding.
We cordially invite everyone to celebrate the grand opening of our lodge with us:
Sunday Oct 15
2:00 p.m.
Refreshments and tours to follow the ceremony.
For more information, please contact Robin Dawes at
About the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club:
The WLCCSC has been operational since 1987. That year Jackrabbits (youth lessons) commenced. In 1994-95 a donated Atco trailer was set up and serviced for electrical. In 1995/96, the club gained another milestone with the lighting of two trail loops along with trail signage. Williams Lake hosted the 2002 Winter Games. Nordic ski events were hosted at the WLCCSC Bull Mountain facility. During the winter season of 2002-2003 the BC Midget Championships were the big event at Bull Mountain. Today, the Jackrabbit program continues to run, and youth programs have expanded to include a racing team and a ski school program. Skate skiing, and snowshoe trails were added in 2016. The club continues to depend on the volunteer efforts of its members and appreciates the support of several Williams Lake businesses and organizations. Some of those volunteers responsible for the many improvements since the inception of the club have again been instrumental in helping to achieve the milestones we have reached in this last round of improvements. The present construction has come together in the last two years but its completion was preceded with several years of preparation and planning and is the latest in a long succession of continuous improvements for the club.