Maze Highlights Strathcona 'Agility Fest'
Organizers of the recent Teck Regional Snow Camp at Mt Washington held an ‘Agility Fest’ as part of the camp program. The Agility Fest included 11 stations – slalom gates, bicycle bumps, a maze, a figure 8 of cornering, hop skate hill climb, single skiing, a 360 degree standing jump, lateral hops over V-boards, downhill cornering, backward skiing and cornering through a group of trees on the edge of the stadium area.
The maze (see photos above) was super fun, and a highlight of the various stations. The maze itself wasn't timed as the intent was for it to be more of a cornering, quick feet, decision making activity. Moreover, Kurt Galik, the maze designer, kept the athletes on their toes by changing the exits out of the maze so that it wasn't the same the next time around.
The athletes did several rounds the whole circuit focusing on agility and speed at the various stations, but with easy skiing between stations. Towards the end of the session, the junior races attending the camp did a timed round of all the stations.
It was a very productive session!