Teck Regional Fall Dryland Camp #1 (Okanagan)
Camp Dunlop, Kelowna, BC
September 14-16, 2018
The Teck Regional Camp last weekend provided a great start to the season. See below for photos and a write up about the camp.
2018 Paralympic medalist Emily Young spoke to the group on how being involved in sport has had a positive impact on her life, and why a positive attitude is best way to be successful in sport . Also at this camp a number of 15-16 year old boys from the Telemark racing team played a significant role as leaders, mentors and sport expert presenters. This included (1) building/leading the skiers through two skills and an agility development roller ski course, and (2) a presentation on opportunities that skiing has provided them, “The National Championship Experience” and “Best Practices for Young Skiers”. The latter included:
- Time management
- Getting your homework done effectively
- Life balance
- Prerace food
- Nutrition for skiing and good grades
- How skiing has positively impacted their grades at school
- The Importance of sleep and how screen time in the evening negatively impacts that
- Focus and deliberate practice
The camp agenda included a Run Hike, Volleyball Tournament, Team Adventure Strength Challenge, Roller Ski Relay Racing, Hill-bounding Technique Session and physically active games such as a version of Predator and Pray which had Omnivores, Carnivores and Herbivores, a Team Adventure Strength Challenge which required the teams to find stations by navigating with a map (each station had a significant challenge with elements of fun and/or team building plus a strength exercise before proceeding to find the next station) and many, many unsanctioned games of Man Hunter.
In addition, a number of older athletes did their roller ski training along side the 9-14 year old skiers, and even did a relay race with some of them. These athletes, which included National Team member Gareth Williams and National Junior Team member Tallon Noble, also did some sprint racing on roller skis, which the younger skiers were able to watch.
There was even a camp fire with live music.
The camp was attended by 12 coaches and 48 athletes from Sovereign Lake Nordic Club, Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club, Nickel Plate Cross Country Ski Club and Telemark Nordic Club.