2019 World Junior/U23 Championships
Lahti, Finland
January 21 – 27, 2019
January 10th
This morning we drove up to Sjusjøen and did some technique work with no poles. There was a little café on the top of the mountain in the middle of the ski trail system. Although it was closed when we passed by it, when some of the guys skied by it on their distance ski they could smell the sweet waffle scent wafting from the hut. Once we were done our technique session we skied all the way back down to where we are staying enjoying the scenery. The landscape was rolling hills, not the steep mountains you find in the Rockies.
In the afternoon we skate skied with 15 minutes of drills, again legs only. I poured my focus in on doing the right motion during the drills and when I skied with my poles again, I felt a difference. This camp is more than just a camp getting ready for the Championships. This is a camp to learn things for the future.
January 11th
This morning we did classic intervals, 4-6 x 8 minutes in Zone 3. Coaches Erik Bratten and Chris Jeffries took video that we went over in groups in the afternoon. The team did strength in the afternoon, however, I skipped this session as I was feeling pretty tired. Plus, the goal of the camp is to feel rested and ready to race.
January 12th
While many skied, I rested. I realized I was still feeling tired and needed the rest especially because we are doing a time trial tomorrow.
In the afternoon, we went for pizza in Lillihammer. After dinner, we went curling!!! The instructor expected us all to be experts because we're coming from Canada, but for most of us it was our first time curling! We divided up into teams and did a mini tournament. Some teams took it very seriously and one team even called themselves the Sjusjøen Curling Club. Who knows, maybe some of us will take up curling when we finish skiing.
January 13th
Today, we conquered possibly one of the most difficult race courses on the World Cup circuit.
The course in Lillihammer has many very long and steep climbs. We started the time trial after a very brief warm-up/ski over the course. We went at 1 minute intervals, and as I was the first U23 woman I was doubtful of where to go. I ended up going the wrong way and doing the longest hill three times instead of two. Luckily the other girls did not follow me.
In the afternoon, we went over the video that a couple of the coaches took during the time trial. As it was a group session, we got to comment on our own technique as well as that of others. Plus we got to listen to what Erik and the other coaches had to say to each skier and pick up a few more things than we would in a one-on-one session.
January 15th Morning Workout
Getting ready for the last intensity workout before we race. These are very hard, but few in number. Because I did not push very hard in the time trial, I decided to give it my all in this workout. It was dark when we started at 8:30am so we got to see the sun rise. Here the sun rises late and sets early.
Later in the day the team visited the Swix factory. See photos below.
Hannah Mehain