Risk Management - Cycling Activities
- CCBC second and third party liability coverage is extended to "road cycling" training activities as prescribed by a coach regardless of the type of bike used in that activity.
- Full coverage under the Policy does not extend to off the road "mountain biking" training activities, regardless of the type of bike used in the activity. Only third party liability coverage applies. This means that there is insurance coverage if the athlete runs into and is sued by a hiker on the trail (third party coverage). There is no coverage when the athlete gets injured and sues the coach for negligence in suggesting that the athlete train on that trail (second party coverage).
- Recreational cycling (road bikes only) of athletes/members, is covered when done as a supervised training activity in a group.
- In no case does the Policy cover "competitive biking" (any type of bike) for events or time trials.
Risk Management - Roller Skiing Activities
- Coverage is provided for roller-skiing as a training activity. This includes coach-organized and directed individual time trials.
- Roller-skiing is to be conducted in accordance with approved policies governing this activity at the level (national, division or club) at which it takes place.
- The CCC/CCBC Roller Skiing Policy must be adhered to as a minimum requirement: http://crosscountrybc.ca/sites/default/files/documents/CCBC%20Roller%20Ski%20Policy%202012v2.pdf unless otherwise defined.
Please contact your club Board of Directors if you require additional information.