January 22, 2014 (Kimberley, B.C.) – Under sunny skies at the Kimberley Nordic Club in Kimberley, the Teck Kootenay Cup #3 and #4 was held on January 18 & 19, 2014. 120 racers competed in the skate distance race on Saturday and 34 teams competed in a three person classic technique distance relay on Sunday. Teams and racers came for the weekend's races from all over the Kootenays, Northern U.S.A. and Alberta. The stadium area was crowded with more than 100 spectators on both Saturday on Sunday.
The Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club of Rossland retained the overall lead in the competition for the Teck Kootenay Cup Series aggregate prize that will be awarded following the final race in Nelson next month. Six clubs from the region participated in the event, plus numerous racers from outside the region, including a large contingent from Canmore.
Despite staying behind in the overall cup standings, Kimberlites had good showings on the weekend, with a local team winning the open category relay on Sunday and local Colin Ferrie winning the open category skate race on Saturday. Kimberley Jackrabbits also did well in the youngest age categories.
"We really need to thank the many volunteers who put in so much time to make this event a success, both on the race days and in the many months of preparation beforehand." said Bill Green, race committee chair, "The race simply wouldn't happen without them."
"All our sponsors who give generously deserve a big thank you as well," added Randy Moody, "and I'd especially like to thank Kootenay Mountain Works for stepping up to the plate with their generous donations this year."