Job Notice - Cross Country Canada Coaching Development Coordinator
Cross Country Canada (CCC), the National Sport Organization for cross-country skiing in Canada, is currently seeking to fill the position of Coaching Development Coordinator (CDC).
The national office is located in Canmore, Alberta. It is required that the successful candidate work out of this office.
General Responsibilities: This Coordinator position is designed to support CCC’s coaching development system up to the international level. Coaching development is fundamental to CCC’s ability to improve the capacity and productivity of the various components of the sport system that facilitate athlete development.
A successful candidate should possess:
- a solid understanding of CCC’s Long Term Athlete Development Guide (Cross-Country skiing – A Sport for Life);
- at least Community Sport NCCP training in cross-country skiing;
- the ability to prioritize tasks and achieve high standards and timeliness of all work products;
- all standard Microsoft office software understanding and have website content management skills;
- current NCCP Learning Facilitator training in cross-country skiing (preferred); and
- polished communication in written and oral form in English (essential) and French (preferred)
The Coaching Development Coordinator will be provided with employee benefits in accordance with the standard benefits provided for CCC employees. The starting salary will depend on the qualifications and experience he or she brings to this position.
Please click on the attached file for more information. Applications should be in the form of a letter of application, with CV and three references, submitted by e-mail to:
Cross Country Canada/Ski de fond Canada
c/o Cathy Sturgeon
Director – Administration and Communication
Deadline to receive applications and references is April 4th, 2014.
Cross Country Canada would like to fill this position by the middle of May at the latest.
CCC is an equal opportunity employer. This position is financially supported in part by Sport Canada.