Teck Regional Cup Series: Thats a Wrap »

Down In the Kootenays......

The Fernie Nordic Society (338 points) is the 2014-15 Teck Kootenay Cup Series club aggregate champion.  Kimberley Nordic Ski Club (308) and Nelson Nordic Ski Club (298) rounded out the top three in a very close race.

Prior to last weekend’s Teck Kootenay Cup #7 in Nelson the Kimberley Nordic Ski Club was in the lead (308), with Fernie Nordic Society hot on their tails (284).  All clubs put in a solid effort for the most successful Teck Kootenay Cup Series to date.

There were a record 778 race starts in the seven-race series.

Up North......

The Bulkley Valley Cross Country Ski Club (329 points) won the 2014-15 Teck Northern Cup Series again this yearThe Caledonia Nordic Ski Club (247) and Nechako Nordics (214) were second and third.


In the Okanagan.......

With a massive lead, the Larch Hills Nordic Society (1089 points) is the 2014-15 Teck Okanagan Cup Series aggregate champion.  The Sovereign Lake Nordic Ski Club (310) and Telemark Cross Country Ski Club (302) battled it out for 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

After Teck Okanagan Cup #6 in Penticton, Larch Hills Nordic Society had a strong lead with 1001 points, Sovereign Lake Nordic Club  had 310 and Telemark Cross Country Ski Club had 259. Nickel Plate Cross Country Ski Club was hard at work during race #7, totalling their points at 216 and falling just 15 points short of the Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club (231) which finished in 4th place. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

On the Coast.....

The 2014-15 club aggregate champion for the Teck Coast Cup Series is once again the Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club, which accumulated 816 points in just 3 races. Rounding out the top three are the Spud Valley Nordic Ski Club (247) and Whistler Nordic Ski Club (197).

It was an extremely tough season for the racers and organizers due to unseasonably warm weather.  Nevertheless, Teck Coast Cup #3 had the most entries for any regional cup ever with 309 skiers registered. 

There were a record 617 race starts in the three-race series, averaging 205 entries per race - the highest number of entries per race of any region. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In spite of three Teck Regionals Cup races being cancelled due to poor snow conditions, there were 2253 regional cup race starts in 2014/15 compared to 1728 in 2013/14.

2014-15 Teck Regional Cup Series Aggregate Points: http://www.crosscountrybc.ca/teck-regional-cup-series-club-aggregate-awards