Information Toolbox for Coaches of Kids 12 and Younger »

Information Toolbox for Coaches of Kids 12 and Younger

Athlete Development Matrix:

The Athlete Development Matrix provides the development tools coaches need to create lifelong skiers (including future world champions). In addition to pathway benchmarks and development standards, you have access to hundreds of activities, videos, tutorials, testing protocols and more.

Technique Videos:

This set of videos includes technique videos that represent the expected standards for the end of the Fundamentals stage, mid Training to Train stage, etc.

LTAD Guidebook:

The LTAD model is based on the physical, mental, emotional and cognitive development of children and adolescents.  It is an inclusive concept that encourages all individuals to be involved in lifelong activity and articulates the need for all children, particularly those that have the capacity and interest to become elite athletes, to be given a solid foundation in physical, technical, tactical and mental capacities upon which to build their performance abilities. 

LTAD Brochures/Poster:

This tool helps parents understand Nordiq Canada’s Skill Development Program (SDP) progression.

Ski Playgrounds/Terrain Parks:

A ski playground is a designated location which has been developed to assist children to learn to ski naturally.  It provides them with a variety of skiing discoveries that use terrain to help them develop balance and coordination skills.  Video:


To learn more about ski playgrounds and how they are used, click on the link to this Swedish Ski Federation video.

Ski Preparation Video:

This video is for coaches with an interest in learning more about ski preparation.  Advanced.