Landmark events in the history of cross country skiing in BC »

Landmark events in the history of cross country skiing in BC

Do you know...............?

Who is credited with introducing cross country skiing to BC?

The name of the BC athlete that finished 16th in the 1932 Olympics – a Canadian record until Pierre Harvey finished 14th at the 1988 Olympics?

The name of the BC coach who the Canadian Government hired to lead the TEST program in 1967?

The name of the club that installed the first lit trail system in BC?

Which BC club has hosted the Canadian Cross Country Ski Championships 7 times?

The name of the one and only BC club to rank #1 (in aggregate points) in Canada at a National Championships since such records were kept?

The name of the BC club that was the first to top 1000 members?

To find the answers, refer to landmark events in the history of cross country skiing in British Columbia at this link: