How to Organize a NCCP CCI-L2T (On-Snow) Workshop »

How to Organize a CCI-L2T (On-Snow) Workshop in Your Community

The CCI-L2T (On-Snow) Workshop is the fifth step in the NCCP training progression.

Club Coaching Coordinator: Determine who in your club will be responsible for organizing the local requirements for this NCCP Workshop. Most clubs will have a Coaching Development Chairperson who is responsible for this task. If not, your club should appoint a Club Coaching Coordinator. Provide them with this information sheet. You will find a detailed “Club Coaching Coordinator” task check-off list below.

Scheduling: The first step in coordinating a workshop is to contact the CCBC's Program Coordinator at: (250) 545-9600, or, and arrange a date.

  • L2T (On-Snow) Workshops are held between mid November to late March depending on when your facility has enough snow.
  • CCBC will then appoint the workshop Learning Facilitator (LF).
  • Sixteen and one-half (16.5) hours. The first three hours are held in the evening Friday night, Saturday is all day, and Sunday is until about 3pm. 
  • Next the CCBC Office will notify you of the LF’s name, email address and telephone number for you to start communications on their specific requirements.

Number of Participants: A minimum of 6 participants are required. Ideally, for a good learning situation, the class size should be 8 or 9 (maximum 14). It is better to arrange two separate workshops with seven participants in one and eight in  the other, than one workshop with 15 participants.

Workshop Fee: The fee is $120.00 per person for CCBC members and $600.00 per person for non-members. The club must therefore guarantee a minimum payment of $720.00 for the workshop. If less than 6 participants show up, the cost of holding the workshop is still $720.00. 

Costs covered by CCBC:  CCBC covers the expenses of the LF, including; honorarium, meals, travel and accommodations (when a billet is unavailable). Your club may be asked to arrange a billet for the LF in order to keep the workshop costs down.

Costs covered by the host club: The host club is responsible for the cost of the meeting room, equipment rental (DVD,  TV, flip chart, etc.) and snacks & refreshments.  Your LF may require a digital projectors for their presentation so please confirm with them directly. 


Club Coaching Coordinator Task “Check-off” list – CCI-L2T (On-Snow) Workshop

Check task off your list when “complete”

COVID-19 Return to Sport - Please ensure that you follow the CCBC Return to Sport Policy (HERE) as well as your club's own Return to Sport guidelines when planning your workshop.   Ensuring that you have a large enough workshop space to provide proper physical distancing and other safety measures in place is paramount.  

Recruit local participants. Promotional options include; club newsletter, club web site, computer generated poster (posted in your town mall, club day lodge, sporting goods store, recreation centre, schools), local community newspaper, local radio etc.

Answer inquiries and take registrations. Please refer to the current edition of Ski Cross Country magazine and/or Coaching Development Workshops on this website for details regarding the objectives and content of the L2T (On-Snow) Workshop.  Please ensure that attendees have completed the L2T (D) workshop first.

Liaise with the LF regarding local requirements (equipment), grooming needs for the on-snow component, accommodations/billet, and meeting them at the airport  if they are traveling by air.

Arrange a meeting room suitable for the needs of the workshop and the number of participants. The classroom must meet proper classroom standards, ie. sufficient room for the group, good lighting, power available, and the sessions must be free from outside interference.  If you use the club day lodge, make sure that it is not in use by others when the classroom sessions are being held.  You will also need a suitable place for the group to spread out for the strength, flexibility and other  practical sessions. The classroom location cannot be more than a 10 minute drive to the ski facility.

Arrange the use of audio visual equipment: As per the LF’s requirements, arrange the use of DVD, TV, digital projector, screen, flip chart, etc. Participants will receive the most benefit from the video sessions if the LF has the use of a “frame by frame slow motion advance” video camera. Cameras with slow motion that cannot advance frame by frame are much less useful.  

Arrange for appropriate grooming and track setting of the ski area.  The ski area preparations can make a big difference to the on-snow sessions. Find out from the LF what they need in order to give you the best workshop they can.  Don’t take short cuts with this aspect of the workshop arrangements!  The more carefully you prepare, the more the participants will benefit.

Contact CCBC's Program Coordinator and let them know how many participants you have registered for the workshop on Thursday (before 2:00), one week before the date of your scheduled workshop.   All workshop materials are now in a digital format.  Therefore, all attendees will need to bring a laptop with them to the workshop.  Once you send the Program Coordinator the list of attendees, (please include their email addresses) they will email all attendees the links to the materials.  Attendees are then urged to open and download the materials to their computers prior to attending the workshop.  In this way, we do not need to rely on WiFi during the workshop. 

Email workshop participants to let them know the weekend itinerary; classroom location, workshop time schedule, etc. At this time you can let them know what they should bring to this workshop. They will require classic ski equipment (usually Saturday) and skating equipment (usually Sunday) and appropriate winter clothing. Also notify participants that they will be responsible for purchasing their own trail pass (if applicable).

Meet the LF at the workshop location (or arrange for a club workshop participant to take your place) Friday evening (and throughout the weekend) and have everything set up and ready to go (refreshments for the coffee breaks, equipment set-up, etc.).  Assist the LF to get started by taking registration information & fees (if necessary), etc.  It is not the LF's responsibility to set up the tables/chairs, etc. in the room.  LF's often travel quite a distance so the room needs to be set up and ready to go prior to their arrival.   They are also not responsible for cleaning up the room when the workshop is complete.  Again, they often need to get on the road to travel back home.  

Collect registration fees or arrange for payment of the workshop by your club.  Many clubs arrange their registration and payment through the Zone4 system.  It makes it easy to keep track of registrants and offers the option of using a credit card for payment.  

The host club will be invoiced by CCBC - therefore, please ensure that all payments from attendees are kept at the club or made payable to the club.  Again, using Zone4 for registration and payment is the most efficient way to collect registration fees.