How to Organize a CCC Level 1 Officials Certification Course
Officials Course Organizer: Determine who in your club will be responsible for organizing the local requirements for this Officials course. Most clubs will have a Officials Coordinator who is responsible for this task. If not, your club should appoint a club Officials Course Organizer. Provide them with this information sheet.
Scheduling: The first step in coordinating a course is to contact the Nancy Beaumont at the CCBC Office at: (250) 545‑9600, or, and arrange a date.
- CCBC will then appoint the Officials Course Conductor for each location.
- A Level 1 Officials Course can be held during any calendar month, but is usually held from September to November in preparation for the upcoming season.
- Eight (8) hours. This is a one day course from 8:15 am to 5:50 pm (all day Saturday or Sunday).
- Next the CCBC Office will notify you of the Course Conductors name, email address and telephone number for you to start communications on their specific requirements
Number of participants: A minimum of 8 participants are required for an NC Officials Level 1 Course. Ideally, for a good learning situation, the class size should be 8 or 10 (Maximum 14).
Minimum age: 16 years as of the start of the course.
Course fee: The fee is $100.00 per person (for CCBC members) and $200.00 per person for (non-members). The club must therefore guarantee a minimum payment of $800.00 for the course. If less than 8 participants show up, the cost of holding the course is still $800.00.
Costs covered by CCBC: CCBC covers the expenses of the Course Conductor including; honorarium, meals, travel and accommodations (when a billet is unavailable). The cost of delivering an Officials Level 1 Course is considerably more per participant than the registration fee(s) noted above. Your club may be asked to arrange a billet for the Course Conductor in order to keep the course costs down.
Costs covered by the host club: The host club is responsible for the cost of the meeting room, equipment rental (digital projector, Screen, flip chart, etc.) and refreshments for the coffee breaks. Your Course Conductor will require a digital projector for their presentation.
Officials Course Organizer
Task “Check-off” list – Officials Level 1 Course
Check task off your list when “complete”
Recruit local participants for the course. Promotional options include: club newsletter, club web site, computer generated posters (posted in your town mall, club day lodge, sporting goods store, recreation centre, schools), local community newspaper, local radio etc.
Answer inquiries and take registrations. Please refer to the current edition of Ski Cross Country magazine and/or the Officials Development page on this website for details regarding course objectives and course content.
Liaise with the Course Conductor regarding; local requirements (equipment) for the course, accommodations/billet, or meeting them at the airport if they are traveling by air.
Arrange a meeting room suitable for the needs of the course and the number of participants. The classroom must meet proper classroom standards, ie. sufficient room for the group, good lighting, enough power cords for all laptops, wireless internet access, and the sessions must be free from outside interference. If you use the club day lodge, make sure that it is not in use by others when the classroom sessions are being held.
Arrange the use of equipment: As per the Course Conductors requirements, arrange the use of digital projector, screen, flip chart, wireless internet access, four (4) clip boards, etc.
Email course Participants (itinerary & equipment) to let them know the weekend itinerary; classroom location, course time schedule, etc. At this time you can let them know what they need to bring to this course. They will require writing material & laptop computer. All course material will be accessible to them in a Drop Box that they will have access to. If a participant does not have access to a laptop, perhaps they can make arrangements with another participant to share theirs. The CCBC Program Coordinator will contact participants prior to the course to give them course info and the link to the Drop Box.
Arrange a meeting room suitable for the needs of the course and the number of participants. The classroom must meet proper classroom standards, i.e. sufficient room for the group, good lighting, enough power cords for all laptops, wireless internet access, and the sessions must be free from outside interference. If you use the club day lodge, make sure that it is not in use by others when the classroom sessions are being held.
Arrange the use of equipment: As per the Course Conductors requirements, arrange the use of digital projector, screen, flip chart & paper, wireless internet access, four (4) clip boards, etc.
Registration Fee – Clubs collect all registration fees. If people are paying by way of a personal cheque, it should be made payable to your club. When the course has been completed, CCBC will invoice the club for all participants, regardless of whether attendees were from your club or not.
Meet the Course Conductor at the location of the course (or arrange for a club course participant to take your place) on Saturday morning and have everything set up and ready to go (course material ready to go, refreshments for the coffee breaks, equipment set-up, etc.). Assist the Course Conductor to get started by taking registration information & fee(s), etc.
Refreshments - Some clubs offer lunch to their participant and some ask that they pack their own (this is up to you). As for coffee breaks, most clubs provide coffee, tea, cookies, muffins, etc.